a blue and white square with a yellow pin on it

5 Great Customizable Items for Your Church

If your church is just coming out of its digital hiatus, it might be a good time to think about customizable ways you can make your congregation rejoining together a particularly special occasion. After all, the communal aspect of congregating together is one of the most powerful aspects of the church, and if you’ve been confined to digital services as a result of COVID-19 restrictions in your area, getting to see each other face-to-face could be a great time to spruce up a variety of items affiliated with your church. Here are five great options to consider when it comes to personalizing different items for your congregation.

Add some context to your offering envelopes.

Offering envelopes are an important way for you to solicit donations from your congregation, so it’s a good idea to personalize them in the first place. However, coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic and being in the midst of ongoing uncertainties about the future of live gatherings, your offering envelopes can be utilized in even more important ways. Adding a brief bit of text to the outside of the church offering envelope, for example, can help provide context for why someone sitting in your pew’s support matters now more than ever. With the right message on the envelope, you’ll be able to increase giving and further support your church’s initiatives.

Offer past sermons on thumb drives for members to re-watch at home.

If your pastor delivered some particularly well-received sermons during virtual church events, it might be worthwhile to offer your congregation a way to listen to them whenever they’d like to. Personalizing thumb drives and passing them out or popping them in an envelope and sending them in the mail to interested members can be a great way to distribute these messages and spread the word of the Bible, too. Plus, with flash drives coming in a variety of sizes, including 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB, you’ll be able to find the right USB flash drive to house all of your videos. If you want to save even more money on your flash drives, just Google “thumb drives in bulk.” In addition to bulk pricing, you may also be able to find USB sticks at a discount by providing your nonprofit status. You can even get custom flash drives with your church’s name printed on them for a special touch.

Customize face masks with your church’s logo.

Depending on what city or state your church is in, it may be important to continue following certain masks or social distancing orders, even as you’re running church services in person. In these situations, creating a customized face mask with your church’s logo on it can be a nice way for your members to show their pride while attending services. Research suggests that tightly-woven fabrics in multiple layers are the most effective when it comes to masking effectiveness, so make sure to read into the materials your masks are manufactured with before buying a bunch.

Make a banner announcing your reopening.

Custom banners are a great way to proudly display that your church is going to be reopening. Especially considering the fact that many people may not be checking your website but do need to run errands to get groceries or prescriptions, an outdoor sign can be a very effective way to get the word out about your reopening. If part of your reopening plan involves separate entrances and exits, you can also make custom signage to help congregants understand where to go.

Create a photo directory of churchgoers.

If you’re operating your church at reduced capacity, a photo directory is a great way to help your members put a face to a name and vice versa. Photo directories are a friendly option for displaying your church members, and can even be fun souvenirs as families grow up. Consider looking into a company that can help you compile photos as well as print your directory, and you’ll have your members smiling in no time.


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